Published Research Papers and Reports
Johnson Am, Groth M, Nguyen H, Dey S, Nottage S, Joyce S, Tan L, Glozier N, & SB Harvey (2020). A Review And Agenda For Examining How Technology-Driven Changes At Work Will Impact Workplace Mental Health And Employee Well-Being. Australian Journal Of Management. Link: https://doi.org/10.1177/0312896220922292
Joyce S, Shand F, Lal TJ, Mott B, Bryant Ra, Harvey SB. (2019). Resilience@Work Mindfulness Program: Results From A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial With First Responders. Journal Of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(2):E12894doi: 10.2196/12894. Link: https://www.jmir.org/2019/2/e12894/
Joyce S, Leona T, Shand F, Bryant RA, & Harvey SB. (2019). Can Resilience Be Measured And Used To Predict Mental Health Symptomology Among First Responders Exposed To Repeated Trauma? Journal Of Environmental Medicine (JOEM), 61(4), 285-292.
Counson I, Hoseman D, Lal TJ, Mott B, Harvey SB & Joyce S. (2019). Mental Health And Mindfulness Amongst Australian Fire Fighters. BMC Psychology, 7; 34. Link: Https://Doi.Org/10.1186/S40359-019-0311-2
Joyce S, Shand F, Bryant RA, Lal TJ, & Harvey S. (2018). Online Mindfulness-Based Resilience Training In The Workplace: A Pilot Study Of The Resilience@Work (RAW) Mindfulness Program. Journal Of Medical Internet Research. 2018;20(9):E10326. Doi: 10.2196/10326
Joyce S, Shand F, Tighe J, Laurent SJ, Bryant RA, & Harvey SB. (2018). Road To Resilience: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis Of Resilience Training Programs And Interventions. British Medical Journal Open 2018;8:E017858. Doi: 10.1136/Bmjopen-2017-017858.
Petrie K, Joyce S, Henderson M, Johnson A, Nguyen H, Modini M, Groth M, Glozier N, & Harvey SB.(2018). A Framework To Create More Mentally Healthy Workplaces: A Viewpoint. Australian And New Zealand Journal Of Psychiatry. 52(1), 15-23. Doi: 10.1177/0004867417726174
Harvey, SB, Modini M, Joyce S, Milligan-Saville Js, Tan L, Mykeltun A, Bryant Ra, Christensen H, & Mitchell PB. (2017). Can Work Make You Mentally Ill? A Systematic Meta-Review Of Work-Related Risk Factors For Common Mental Health Problems. Occupational And Environmental Medicine (Oem), Online: Http://Oem.Bmj.Com/Content/Early/2017/01/20/Oemed-2016-104015
Joyce S, Modini M, Christensen H, Mykletun A, Bryant RA, Mitchell Pb, & Harvey SB. (2016) Workplace Interventions For Common Mental Disorders: A Systematic Meta-Review. Psychological Medicine, 46(4), 683–697. Doi: Https://Doi.Org/10.1017/S0033291715002408
Modini, M, Joyce S, Mykletun A, Christensen H, Bryant RA, Mitchell PB, & Harvey SB. (2016) The MentalHealth Benefits Of Employment: Results Of A Systematic Review. Australasian Psychiatry, 24 (4), 331 –336. Doi: 10.1177/1039856215618523
Harvey SB, Joyce S, Tan L, Johnson A, Nguyen H, Modini M, & Groth, M. (2014). Developing A Mentally Healthy Workplace: A Review Of The Literature. Report Prepared For The National Mental Health Commission, Australian Government.
Tan L, Wang Mj, Modini M, Joyce S, Mykletun A, Christensen H, & Harvey SB. (2014). Preventing The Development Of Depression At Work: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis Of Universal Interventions In The Workplace. BMC Medicine, 12, 74.
Harvey, SB, Joyce S , Tan L, Johnson A, Nguyen H, & Groth, M. (2014). Developing A Mentally Healthy Workplace – A Review Of The Literature. Report Prepared for The Australian Mental Health Commission. Https://Www.Headsup.Org.Au/Docs/Default-Source/Resources/Developing-A mentally-Healthy-Workplace_Final- November-2014.Pdf?Sfvrsn=8
Harvey SB, Joyce S , Modini, M, Christensen H, Bryant Ra, Mykletun A, & Mitchell Pb. (2013). Work And Depression/Anxiety Disorders – A Systematic Review Of Reviews. Report Prepared At The Request Of Beyond Blue, Australia: Http://Www.Beyondblue.Org.Au/Docs/Default-Source/Research-Projectfiles/Bw0204.Pdf?Sfvrsn=4